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Microdermabrasion - An introduction to the latest treatment at By the Shaw...

So what is it?

If you haven't heard of Microdermabrasion before then allow me to give you a brief history lesson...

MD was first developed in Italy in 1985 for the modern day beauty industry, however the concept of abrading the skin, or removing the upper layers for skin rejuvenation actually dates back as far as 1500 BC, when Egyptian physicians used a type of sandpaper to smooth scars.

Since the iconic time of the Egyptians, MD has become an increasingly popular treatment for skin rejuvenation. The process has come a long way since the sandpaper (thankfully) and now involves the abrasive action of a hand held device to gently remove the dead skin cells and surface debris. But the treatment not only takes away dead skin cells, it also promotes the production of collagen to help rebuild the skins structure with a course of treatments! The procedure is simple, quick, and painless and completely non-invasive so no use of injections, needles or surgeries, with no downtime for any kind of recovery, you could treat yourself to a facial during your lunch break, and head straight back to the office ready to smash the afternoons sales targets!


Why do I need it?

With numerous benefits to the skin microdermabrasion treatment is great for anyone. MD improves the overall appearance of the skin giving it a healthy glow and youthful appearance. The treatment is suitable for all skin types and tones, even sensitive skin but heres a more detailed explanation as to why an MD course is just what your skin is looking for...


What should I expect from an MD treatment?

A treatment with at By the Shaw consists of a simple four step process;

Consultation - A thorough consultation (after booking an appointment you will receive an email with a link to your personal consultation) which is carried out to determine your individual skin needs and devise a treatment plan to achieve the results you desire. Treatments plans can vary from single ‘beauty boost’ treatments to courses of 6 to 20 treatments performed every 7 to 10 days.

Cleanse - The next step is a cleanse to remove any residue makeup and pollutants built up on the skin throughout the day and help loosen the pores and prepare the skin for treatment. Although not its not essential, I'd recommend that any of my male clients shave in the morning before an afternoon treatment. Dry, shaven and clean skin allows the micro-crystals to reach the skin surface unobstructed.

Treat and Target - This is when the magic starts. Using the handheld device a fine jet of exfoliating Aluminium oxide crystals are distributed onto the skin which lifts any dead skins cells, black heads and blocked pores, meanwhile, suction is used to take away the tiny fragments and particles that have been removed from the skins surface and this combined process then encourages the production of bodies own youth formula, collagen. Once exfoliation of the whole area has been completed I will go back and target problem areas of concern that were highlighted in your consultation such as fine lines, areas of pigmentation and blemishes or scarring.

Rehydrate - After treating your skin the residual crystals are removed with a cleanse but this is where you decide how to conclude your treatment, we can finish with a hydrating moisturiser and essential SPF that are massaged into the skin OR we can really spoil your skin and go the extra mile, a Luxury treatment includes an indulgent but super soothing Hydro jelly

face mask, targeted serums such as Hyaluronic Acid and Ice Globes (a favourite with my clients) all benefiting sensitive skin types, reducing redness and calming the skin, with astringent and antibacterial properties which is excellent for helping reduce the bacteria that causes acne, its an ideal add on for oily, acne prone and sensitive skin.


What are the benefits for your skin and what aftercare should I follow?

Just one MD facial can dramatically improve the feel and appearance of the skin as a treat, but if it's longer term results you're after then I recommend a minimum course of 6 facials to help improve scars, fine lines and wrinkles, surface pigmentation and even stretch marks, with up to 20 courses for long term skin complaints.

Everyones skin journey is different but its important to trust the process and as always, the aftercare which is key to maintaining and maximising your results. Here are the key things to remember:

12 hours after:

Avoid heavy makeup (you can use mineral makeup as it doesn’t block the skin)

For 24 hours:

No swimming, facial waxing or fake tan application

Up to 48 Hours after:

No sauna, sun beds or sun exposure. No botox, collagen injections or dermal fillers.

For 72 Hours:

Do not use any anti-ageing creams, AHA’s, glycolics, retinol or exfoliating products.

At all times

and especially during a course, apply SPF 15 (at least) and avoid UV exposure. Regular moisturiser applications are vital to replenish the skin and prevent it becoming dry and peeling.


To book your MD treatment CLICK HERE

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